May 13, 2022


7:00pm, Friday May 13
Salon, Melbourne Recital Centre

Tickets $37 ($30), book through the Melbourne Recital Centre

Richard Barrett  imprints (2019-22)  7โ€™
for tenor saxophone, percussion, piano, electric lap steel guitar, violin and violoncello

Cat Hope  The Long Now II (2022)  8โ€™30โ€
for solo bass flute and subtone

Richard Barrett  all night invisibility flickers on & off visibly (natural causes VI) – duo 2 (2021-22)  12โ€™
for soprano saxophone and electronic keyboard

Jakob Bragg  tor (2022)  14โ€™
for recorder(s), two flutes, percussion and violoncello

Mary Bellamy  Rift (2020)  8โ€™
for percussion, harp and contrabass

Charlie Sdraulig  Ground (2018-19)  8′
for amplified trumpet in C and trombone

Richard Barrett  after (2022)  15โ€™
improvisation for solo violoncello, electronic sounds and three or more instruments